A French Origin

   Bien Dans Ses Murs comes from the French "bien" which signify "well" and the expression "dans ses murs" which refers to someone's "own walls" or rather "one's home". Since, its creation back in 2010, Bien Dans Ses Murs stayed faithful to its motto: to enhance the well-being and bring fullfillment to our clients by harmonizing their own space.

Interior Design / Feng Shui

Interior Design

Add a French touch to your home!

Do you want to rethink your interior, but don't know how to go about it?

Bien Dans Ses Murs offers services to transform your environment according to your needs and aspirations.

Whether you desire a fresh new look, improved energy flow or a harmonious living space, I can assist you every step of the way.

Together we walk through your space to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

We examine the existing framework to reveal its potential, while considering your lifestyle, taste and budget.

Your home is a space that reflects your lifestyle, so it is important to feel "well within your walls".

Feng Shui

"To live in a favorable space permits the heart to find it’s roots " (Lao-Tseu)

Feng Shui is an art of living that literally means "wind and water" in Chinese.

It guides the creation of interior spaces. Conductive to serenity and balance by harmonizing natural elements such as wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Through judicious arrangments, carefully chosen colors and meticulously selected materials, Feng Shui offers a path towards tranquility and well-being in our living spaces.

Feng Shui is often referred to as the "acupuncture" of a building. It brings remedies for all aspects of life.

Why use Feng Shui?

By optimizing the circulation of energies in your home, Feng Shui can help you achieve restful sleep, serenity, vitality, and creativity in your personal and professional life.

Having a harmonious and balanced living and working environment can promote well-being and better communication. It can help to unravel blockages that prevent you from being fulfilled.

Interior Design Services

Deco-Flash (90$)

You are almost finished with your project but need an expert eye to validate your choices. You are still hesitating over a color, a piece of furniture or a layout.

Deco Flash provides you with:

  • Validation or reevaluation of your choices, avoiding costly mistakes.
  • Resolution of any doubts or dilemmas, so you can move forward in a serene and confident manner.
  • Fine tuning of details that make your interior complete.


  • 1.5-hour consultation at your home (or by video conference if desired)
  • Analysis of your interior and attentive listening to your needs and wishes.
  • Personalized on the spot advice to validate, adjust or improve your choices.

Tailor-made décor (from $250 for 215 sq.ft)

You want to furnish or redesign one or more rooms in total harmony with who you are. But you lack the time and inspiration to carry out this mission.


  • On site visit or video consultation if desired (1.5 hours)
  • Detailed diagnosis of the space
  • Delivery of a detailed and personalized report including a layout plan, one mood board illustrating the recommendations and a furniture and accessory proposal.

Before the consultation,I will have you fill out a form to provide me with room dimensions and photos.

What does a Feng Shui consultation look like?

I propose a first 20 minutes” Flash Feng Shui diagnosis” contact by video conference (free), the objective being to talk together about your current situation and to identify your expectations.

We then define the service that will be most suitable for your request, adapted to your needs and your budget.

This privilege exchange time will allow you to clarify your situation, identify avenues for change and choose the most promising formula to sustainably transform your home and your daily life.

From the discovery session to the tailor- made support, I offer you solutions adapted to each need and each budget to reveal the potential of each home.

Feng Shui Services

Feng Shui room lift (service per room): $210

You are redoing a room in your home and want to harmonize it according to Feng Shui principles.

The Feng Shui room lift is a custom-made solution to optimize your daily well-being.


  • On site visit or video consultation (1.5 hours).
  • Detailed diagnosis of the space.
  • Delivery of a report including a personalized layout plan, one mood board, and recommendations for the space.

Before the consultation, I will have you fill out a form to provide me with room dimensions and photos of the room from different angles as well as the room’s northern orientation.

Feng Shui Success Boost (targeted service): $280

You are facing a specific challenge and are looking to unblock an aspect of your life.

Targeted Feng Shui brings you concrete and personalized solutions to deeply transform this aspect of your choice.

  • You wish to give life to a project that is close to your heart.
  • You wish to attract love and harmony to your relationship.
  • You wish to boost your career and professional fulfillment.
  • You wish to improve your sleep and daily energy.
  • You wish to activate your prosperity and abundance.


  • On site visit or video consultation (1.5 hours).
  • Detailed diagnosis and identification of the areas of concern.
  • Personalized corrections and adjustments.
  • Transmission orale des recommandations.
  • Oral transmission of recommendations, including an understanding of the tenets of Feng Shui to enhance understanding.

Before the consultation, I will have you fill out a form to provide me with room dimensions and photos of the room from different angles as well as the room’s northern orientation.

Integral Feng Shui Harmony (Feng shui Expertise): starting from $350 for an 1bd appartment or $600 for a house

You dream of an interior in harmony with your personality optimizing your well-being, and creativity in your living space?

My approach combines attentive listening to your needs and multidisciplinary expertise in school of form, compass, pakua, yin yang, and 5 elements for a complete and personalized diagnosis of your home.


  • 1st on site visit: between 1h30mn and 2 hours
  • Complete diagnosis including an analysis of the interior and exterior of your home.
  • 2nd visit with explanations, delivery of a detailed written report on the energy situation of your space, the inhabitants, and the Feng Shui optimization recommendations

This report is sent to you within four weeks of the completed visit.

Before the consultation, I will have you filling out a form and providing me a floor plan of your home showing the North orientation.

(*) Because each home is unique, my fees are determined depending on the size and configuration of your home. Travel fees apply to on-site visits.


Some examples of my work

About Delphine

My Story

To feel well at home has always been an important priority of mine.

Enhancing lifestyle through harmony of design is something I have studied intensely and put into practice for myself and many clients

I have always felt a strong affinity for home and family.

My design sensibilities started through the timeless country décor of an old-fashioned property in the” Grand Est” in France in my early years.

When I moved to Paris, I was heavily influenced by the historic decoration in the French capital and by the Parisian lifestyle.

These played a major role in my design vision and greatly inspired me. Moving to the warm region Occitanie in 2004, near the historic city of Toulouse, is where I dedicated myself to founding” Bien Dans Ses Murs”, my design business.

I found regional success in Home Staging, interior design and Feng Shui.

In 2008, I became certified in-Home Staging and Feng Shui.

My network expanded internationally in 2013 when I moved to Chicago and worked on numerous projects until I relocated to California in 2019.

My passion for my clients’ well-being continues to grow!